Being a Learner

Everyone is a learner who directly or indirectly learn through out their life. Being a learner is not an easy task or to possess the ability to learn is not at all easy. Learner should have the ability to understand what he wishes to learn, have the determination, capability to assess his/her to learn. All these contributes to the characteristics of a good learner.
To learn means to seek what he is seeking. To learn what is unknown. Primarily a learner requires a mindset to understand the facts that he is unaware of. That’s the first step to be a good learner. A learner listen well. He need to listen; he needs to observe; he need to read: he need to think: All these schemes contributes to the comprehensive growth of a learner.

A learner need to have the ability to accommodate various experiences during learning process. It is not an easy job to learn something. Mere patience and dedication is a key factor which leads the learner to learn intensively. Continuous motivation plays a vital role in holding the learner’s ability to learn because without any kind of motivation no one can survive in anything that he/she wish to accomplish.

Learning is not at all studying. Normally people think that learning means studying for something. Learning is a higher perspective than normal studying. Learning means experiencing something new, working on something new, it can be an invention, it can be self-correctness, it can be anything which may produce a result or not. But the process of learning is unique, as it produces an outcome that the learner understands well. The potential to learn is the same which is also different.

Every learner is different like we used to say every human being is unique. Learning is something which happens intentionally for every individual in the way of life. There is no benchmark to identify a good learner or a bad learner. The intense desire to learn is core factor which guides all the learners to learn and that is what we discussed in the beginning. A good learner will seek what he is seeking.


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