How to SWOT things

Growth is a term that people use in terms of every aspect in our day-to-day life. Growth rate has been increased, growth in agricultural sector, growth in service sector, growth in industries etc. are some of the common quotes that we used to hear in terms of growth. But how growth looks like. How it can be measured.?

Usually, there are different parameters to assess the growth. But in this scenario the question is how we expect our students to grow. It’s not about growth rate or growth potential. Here the case is what’s your view or what’s the criteria of growth. How it’s going to work.

The expectation may not work in a right way, because we can’t predict the human nature, or it is too hard to understand the pace of present generation. Regarding students as we know, they are learning day-by-day. The technological upgradation that they are availing and their ability to grasp the same is appreciable. This will engage in greater development of nation in the future.

But we need to address the serious question about how they expect to grow and how the challenges in their life can be addressed. How can we identify their abilities, how can we understand their talents, skills and most importantly their needs.
It is impossible to understand anyone. And people can’t simply analyze about people without knowing people. Students can be known only when you had spoken to them about their life, their emotions their abilities etc. Students will hear you or will share their ambitions or goals only when they feel that you wish for their growth without being judgmental about their life or career. This will make them to open about themselves. If you understand the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities & threats) theory, then apply the same. This will make you to have a better understanding about your standings during action.


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